Teaching and learning with Jupyter notebooks and Canvas

Brief history


Python released


MATLAB monopoly in math courses at Swedish universities

Brief history


Python released


MATLAB monopoly in math courses at Swedish universities


Numpy released

Brief history


MATLAB monopoly in math courses at Swedish universities


Numpy released


Python/Numpy starting to appear in NA courses

Brief history


Numpy released


Python/Numpy starting to appear in NA courses


Jupyter notebook released

Brief history


Python/Numpy starting to appear in NA courses


Jupyter notebook released


TensorFlow and PyTorch become mainstream as AI/ML explodes

Brief history


Jupyter notebook released


TensorFlow and PyTorch become mainstream as AI/ML explodes


Canvas used in all courses at Chalmers

Brief history


TensorFlow and PyTorch become mainstream as AI/ML explodes


Canvas used in all courses at Chalmers

Jan 2021

Email discussion at MV about alternatives to MATLAB in teaching

Brief history


Canvas used in all courses at Chalmers

Jan 2021

General discussion at our department about alternatives to MATLAB in teaching

Benefits over MATLAB

  • No license cost (for anyone, even after graduation)
  • More modern programming language (Python, Julia)
  • Based on open standards
    HTML5, HTTPS, SSH, HDF5, Markdown, cloud computing, etc.
  • Packages for everything!
    (much more extensive than MATLAB)
  • Dominates AI/ML, high demand from industry
    (All industrial AI/ML master's thesis project are Python-based)
  • Notebook offers integrated Assignment/Coding/Report workflow compatible with Canvas SpeedGrader

What do teachers have to do?

  • Go to anaconda.org and download installer for Windows/MacOS/Linux

    (Ask IT-helpdesk to install in computer rooms)

What do students have to do?

  • Typically: nothing – they already use Jupyter notebooks
  • Otherwise: go to anaconda.org and download installer
  • Option: use Google Colab (Jupyter notebook in the cloud)
  • Option: use VS Code (runs locally or in the cloud)


(Slides available at slides.com/kmodin/jupyter-canvas)

Jupyter notebooks and Canvas

By Klas Modin

Jupyter notebooks and Canvas

Pedagogical seminar given at the Department of Mathematical Sciences in Gothenburg.

  • 1,142