Abdomen : Case 8

History :  A 50-year-old man with abdominal distension.

What is the abnormality?

A. Large bowel dilatation
B. Small bowel dilatation

C. Small and large bowel dilatation

D. Free air


Answer : C .Small and large bowel dilatation

  • This film shows abdominal suture clips on the skin, corresponding with S/P abdominal surgery
  • Small and large bowel dilatation in this case, due to post operative ileus

Ileus :

  • Ileus is a term used for aperistaltic bowel not caused by a mechanical obstruction
  • Appearances are similar to those of mechanical obstruction
  • Multiple loops of gas filled bowel projected centrally over the abdomen
Aetiology :

Post operative ileus:

  • Appearances are similar to those of mechanical obstruction
  • There are multiple loops of gas filled bowel projected centrally over the abdomen
  • This patient had prolonged non-colicky abdominal pain following a abdominal surgery recovery was spontaneous

Abdomen Case 8

By Electronic Learning Abdominal Radiology

Abdomen Case 8

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