Relative stability toward diffeomorphisms indicates performance in deep nets

Leonardo Petrini, Alessandro Favero, Mario Geiger, Matthieu Wyart

Physics of Complex Systems Lab, EPFL

= "cat"

Relative stability toward diffeomorphisms indicates performance in deep nets

Leonardo Petrini, Alessandro Favero, Mario Geiger, Matthieu Wyart

Physics of Complex Systems Lab, EPFL

Relative stability toward diffeomorphisms indicates performance in deep nets

Leonardo Petrini, Alessandro Favero, Mario Geiger, Matthieu Wyart

Physics of Complex Systems Lab, EPFL


The puzzling success of deep learning

  • Deep learning is incredibly successful in wide variety of tasks
  • Curse of dimensionality when learning in high-dimension,
    in a generic setting


  •  In high dimension, data that have little structure cannot be learned

\(P\): training set size

\(d\) data-space dimension

What is the structure of real data?


  • Idea: there are directions in input space that the task is invariant to.
  • An example is the space of image translations - that is small though.
  • Space of smooth deformations is much larger - getting invariant to that can be key to escape the curse of dimensionality!
  • Such invariance can be characterized by the stability:

  • Hypothesis: nets perform better and better by becoming more and more stable to diffeo

Invariances give structure to data-space

 Bruna and Mallat (2013), Mallat (2016), ...

\tau x

 \(S = \frac{\|f(x) - f(\tau x)\|}{\|\nabla\tau\|}\) 

 \(f\) :  network function

Is it true or not?

Can we test it?

Some negative results:

Azulay and Weiss (2018); Dieleman et al. (2016); Zhang (2019) ...



  1. Introduce a max-entropy distribution of diffeomorphisms of controlled magnitude

Our contribution:

Max-entropy model of diffeomorphisms

\tau x
  • Goal: deform images in a controlled way
  • How to sample from a uniform distribution on all diffeomorphisms \( - \,\tau\, -\) that have the same norm \(\|\tau\|\)?
  • Can be solved as a classical problem in physics where the norm takes the place of an energy, which can be controlled by introducing a temperature \(T\)

more deformed

  1. Introduce a max-entropy distribution of diffeomorphisms of controlled magnitude
  2. Define the relative stability toward diffeomorphisms with respect to that of a random transformation, \(R_f\)

Our contribution:

Stability to fixed-norm random transformations

  • We sample uniformly random transformations of a given norm
  • Stability with respect to a generic random transformation \(\|f(x) - f(x + \eta)\|^2\)
    vary a lot with training and among different nets
     (usually better nets are less stable)
  • To understand diffeomorphism invariance one needs to define stability in relative terms!

Relative stability to diffeomorphisms

\(x\)       input image

\(\tau\)       smooth deformation

\(\eta\)       isotropic noise with \(\|\eta\| = \langle\|\tau x - x\|\rangle\)

\(f\)       network function

Observable that quantifies if a deep net is less sensitive to diffeomorphisms than to generic data transformations

$$R_f = \frac{\langle \|f(x) - f(\tau x)\|^2\rangle_{x, \tau}}{\langle \|f(x) - f(x + \eta)\|^2\rangle_{x, \eta}}$$

Relative stability:

  1. Introduce a max-entropy distribution of diffeomorphisms of controlled magnitude
  2. Define the relative stability toward diffeomorphisms with respect to that of a random transformation, \(R_f\)
  3. Keys results: \(R_f\) is learned and indicates performance!

Our contribution:

Good deep nets learn to become relatively stable

$$R_f = \frac{\langle \|f(\tau x) - f(x)\|^2\rangle_{x, \tau}}{\langle \|f(x + \eta) - f(x)\|^2\rangle_{x, \eta}}$$


  1. At initialization (shaded bars) \(R_f \approx 1\) - SOTA nets don't show stability to diffeo at initialization.
  2. After training (full bars) \(R_f\) is reduced by one/two orders of magnitude consistently across datasets and SOTA architectures.

  3. By contrast, (2.) doesn't hold true for fully connected and simple CNNs for which \(R_f \sim 1\) before and after training.

Deep nets learn to become stable to diffeomosphisms!

Relation with performance?

Relative stability to diffeomorphisms remarkably correlates to performance!


  • Introduced max-entropy distribution of diffeomorphisms
  • Key idea: relative stability is the relevant observable, instead of just stability considered in the past
  • Main finding: relative stability correlates to performance

  • Can do data augmentation with max-entropy diffeo!
  • What does this tell us about adversarial robustness?
  • By which mechanism NNs learn the invariance?
  • Quantitively relate performance and relative stability \(\rightarrow\) model design?

future work


[NeurIPS 2021] Diffeo relative stability in deep nets

By Leonardo Petrini

[NeurIPS 2021] Diffeo relative stability in deep nets

NeurIPS Conference 2021

  • 139