Lie-Jordan splitting iteration methods for systems of linear equations
Milo Viviani (joint work with prof. Michele Benzi)
Scuola Normale Superiore - Pisa
Pisa, 04-09 September 2023
Solution of (large) linear systems
- A∈Mn(C) and x,b∈Cn
- A is large non-Hermitian positive definite
Let A=H+S, where H=2A+A∗ and S=2A−A∗
HSS algorithm (Bai, Golub and Ng, 2003)
HSS algortihm
- Unconditionally convergent to the solution of Ax=b, for any α>0
- Upper bound of the contraction factor depends on σ(H) but not on σ(S)
- Optimal α is given by αopt:=λmax(H)λmin(H)
- The two-step iteration is solved via some CG + Krylov subspace method (IHSS)
- Efficient solver for saddle-point problems for discretized elliptic PDEs (Benzi, Gander and Golub, 2003)
Skew shifted HSS algortihm (Greif, 2022)
- J is the standard symplectic matrix
- Not unconditionally convergent to the solution of Ax=b, but there is a critical value for α depending on the eigenvalues of the skew-Hamiltonian matrix JS
Skew shifted HSS algortihm (Greif, 2022)
Rmk. The scheme (1) is equivalent to
which corresponds to the splitting of JA in the Hamiltonian and skew-Hamiltonian parts JH and JS
Rmk. Hermitian and skew-Hermitian and skew-Hamiltonian and Hamiltonian are of Jordan and Lie algebras pairs
Q. How the Lie-Jordan theory is linked to the HSS scheme?
Lie and Jordan algebras
Def. A Lie algebra g is a vector space with a bilinear operator [⋅,⋅]:g×g→g, such that for all A,B,C∈g:
- [[A,B],C]+[[B,C],A]+[[C,A],B]=0 (Jacobi)
- [A,B]=−[B,A]
Def. A Jordan algebra (J,∘) is a non-associative algebra over a field, such that for all A,B∈J:
- A∘B=B∘A
- (A∘B)∘A2=A∘(B∘A2)
Es. Mn(R) is both a Lie and Jordan algebra, w.r.t. to the commutator and anti-commutator
Lie-Jordan splitting
Key ingredient: any A∈Mn(R) can be uniquely decomposed in a symmetric and a skew-symmetric part
- son(R) is a real Lie algebra w.r.t. the matrix commutator [A,B]=AB−BA
- symn(R) is a real Jordan algebra w.r.t. the matrix anticommutator A∘B=AB+BA
- The splitting above is known as the Polar decomposition at the algebra level or the Cartan decomposition w.r.t. the involution ⋅T
Lie-Jordan splitting
More generally, given any J∈Mn(R) invertible symmetric or skew-symmetric, we get a pair of quadratic Lie and Jordan algebras
gJ:={A∈Mn(R) such that ATJ+JA=0}
J:={A∈Mn(R) such that ATJ−JA=0}
- The splitting is orthogonal w.r.t.: <A,B>S:=Tr(ATSB), where S=JJT
J-HSS scheme
Let A=H+S, where H=2J−1(ATJ+JA) and S=2J−1(ATJ−JA)
- Let J be symmetric. Then, the scheme above converges toward the solution of Ax=b if maxλ∈σ(JH)∣α+λα−λ∣<1
- Let J be skew-symmetric. Then, the scheme above converges toward the solution of Ax=b if maxλ∈σ(JS)∣α+λα−λ∣<1
J-HSS scheme
- By the Sylvester's inertia theorem, when J is congruent to a diagonal matrix with zeros and ±1 equal to the rank of J, whereas when J is skew is a block diagonal with zeros and symplectic blocks equal to half the rank of J. Hence, in this case the Lie algebra g is isomorphic to u(p,q) or sp(n).
- J neither symmetric or skew can be reconducted to the previous case
- Considering JAx=Jb, brings us to the classical HSS scheme
Q. Are there Lie-Jordan splitting not isomorphic to the Hermitian and skew-Hermitian one?
Formally real Jordan algebras
In 1934, Jordan, Von Neumann and Wigner classified the simple formally real Jordan algebras, i.e. real Jordan algebras such that:
if A12+A22+...+An2=0, then A1=A2=...=An=0
They are of three kinds:
- Hermitian matrices for any n≥1 with coefficients in R,C,H
- JSpinn: R1⊕Rn with (a1,v)∘(b1,w)=((ab+<v,w>)1,av+bw)
- Hermitian matrices for n=3 with coefficients in O [Albert algebra]
- JSpinn can be embedded in sym2n(R)
- The Albert algebra is the only formally real exceptional algebra, since it cannot be embedded in a associative algebra

Formally real Jordan algebras
- The Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting and the relative HSS scheme can be extended to matrix with coefficients in R,C,H
- Mn(H)≅M2n(C), hence all the analysis for quaternionic matrices can be performed using complex matrices
- A JSpinn Jordan algebra has a Lie algebra complement g⊂so(2n)
- The Albert algebra is not clearly treatable, since it cannot be represented via real or complex matrix calculus
Freudenthal-Tits magic square
- Another way to associate a Lie algebra to a Jordan algebra J is to define the structure algebra str(J)=J⊕Der(J).
Es. J=symn(R) has Der(J)≅so(n) and str(J)≅Mn(R)
- The Freudenthal-Tits construction FT(C,J):=Der(C)⊕(C0⊗J0)⊕Der(J) links 3×3 Hermitian matrices to semisimple Lie algebras

Conclusions and future work
- The HSS scheme can be directly extended to J-quadratic Lie and Jordan algebras
- The HSS scheme works for Hermitian matrices with coefficients in R,C,H
- Is there any case in which is convenient to consider the JSpinn structure and its Lie algebra complement?
- The exceptional cases emerge while considering octonions, but only for dimension 3, which makes the interest for iterative schemes purely academic
- Extend the analysis of the HSS algorithm for any real Jordan algebra of matrices, considering the structure algebra str(J)=J⊕Der(J)
Lie-Jordan splitting iteration methods for systems of linear equations
By Milo Viviani
Lie-Jordan splitting iteration methods for systems of linear equations
- 147