Sampling stationary measures of the Euler-Zeitlin
Milo Viviani (joint work with prof. Klas Modin and Paolo Cifani)
Scuola Normale Superiore - Pisa
Geometric methods and stochastic reduction
for fluid models
Enschede, 08-12 May 2023
2D Euler equations
Ergodic hypotesis: for T large and a functional ϕ
for some invariant measure μ on H Hilbert space
Invariant measures
Enstrophy measure: ν(dω)≈e−E(ω)dω
More precisely, centered Gaussian measure on H−1−=∩ε>0H−1−ε
- We would like to take μα,k(dω)≈e−αCk(ω)ν(dω), for some Casimir Ck(ω)=∫SωkdS
Higher Casimir invariant measures: open problem!
- Can we study an analogue problem for a finite dimensional system? YES!
Zeitlin model
- W∈su(N)
- Enstrophy measure ν(dW)=e−Tr(W∗W)dW
Higher Casimir measures
μα,β,k(dW)=e−αTr(W∗W)−βTr((W∗W)k)dW - μ well defined for any k≥1
Given some
we would like to generate W0 random matrix whose Law is μ
A possible technique to generate such W0 is Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
- Let W0∈su(N) be given
- Pick ΔW∈su(N) generated by a distribution p on su(N)
- Let define δ:=V(W0+ΔW)−V(W0)
- Define W0:=W0+ΔW with probability e−(δ∧0)
- Repeat from 1 until V becomes stationary
Generate W distributed according to
μ(dW)=e−V(W)dW, V≥0
This approach has not be fruitful
Apparently not much changed varying the parameters α,β,k
- Not clear the influence of the higher Casimirs
for some α,β,k
Alternative approach
Let us consider W=W(t) solution of Euler-Zeitlin equations
W(t)=U(t)∗W0U(t), U(t) unitary for all t≥0
Can we say something of U(∞):=limt→∞U(t)?
- It turns out that typically σ(U(∞))∼Unif(S1) and possibly U(∞))∼Haar(SU(N))

Haar generated U
Haar measure on SU(N)
- Unique probability measure on the Borel sets of SU(N) invariant with respect to left and right multiplication of U∈SU(N)
- Thm[Eaton, 1983]. If Z∈GL(N,C) has entries i.i.d. standard complex normal random variables, then applying the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization to the columns of Z, gives a unitary matrix Q is distributed with Haar measure.
Haar measure on SU(N)
- Gram-Schmidt algorithm is numerically unstable
QR decomposition does not provide a unique Q and in general not distributed as Haar (Edelman and Rao, 2005)
- Mezzadri, 2007 provides a stable algorithm:
- QR decomposition of Z=QR with entries i.i.d. normally distributed on C
- Define Q′:=QΛ, where Λ:=diag(R)/∣diag(R)∣, which is distributed as Haar
A first test
Take some non-zero W0∈su(N)
Generate U∼Haar(SU(N)) with the Mezzadri algorithm
Define Wend:=U∗W0U
What do we get?
A first test

Enstrophy spectrum ≈l1
A first test
- Conjecture: U∼Haar(SU(N)) if and only if AdU∗(W0)∼ν(SU(N)), for almost any W0∈su(N), where ν is the enstrophy measure.
- The unitary matrix U(∞) not clearly distributed as Haar, in particular AdU(∞)∗(W0) is not distributed as ν
- We need to add some constraint to the transformation U. In particular, we want to retain energy and angular momentum
Metropolis-Hastings on SU(N)
- Let W0∈su(N) be given
- Generate U∼Haar(SU(N)
- Resize U: U^:=Cay(rCayInv(U)), for some r<<1
- Wnew:=U^∗W0U^
- Let define δ:=V(W0+ΔW)−V(W0),
for V(W)=α(H(W)−H0)2+β(M(W)−M0)2 - Define W0:=W0+ΔW with probability e−(δ∧0)
- Repeat from 1 until V becomes stationary
Generate W distributed according to
via a random walk on SU(N)
Metropolis-Hastings on SU(N)
- Let W0∈su(N) be given
- Generate Ξ∼Unif(SSU(N))
- Generate U:=Cay(rΞ), for some r<<1
- Wnew:=U∗W0U
- Let define δ:=V(W0+ΔW)−V(W0),
for V(W)=α(H(W)−H0)2+β(M(W)−M0)2 - Define W0:=W0+ΔW with probability e−(δ∧0)
- Repeat from 1.
Generate W distributed according to
via a random walk on SU(N)
Numerical test
Enstrophy spectrum: red vorticity transformed with Haar unitary matrix, green final spectrum, black evolving spectrum of W according to Metropolis

Numerical test

The enstrophy distributes according to the power law l1 up to the smallest possible wavenumber l=2
Therefore, either the random walk does not replicate correctly the Euler-Zeitlin statistics or it is much faster
- We propose to add information on the scale separation adding to V the term
Numerical test

Enstrophy spectrum: red vorticity transformed with Haar unitary matrix, green final spectrum, black spectrum of W(∞) generated with Metropolis
Numerical test

We have shown that some statistics of Euler-Zeitlin can be recover via simulating a random walk on SU(N)
Different interpretations of the results
Need for more theoretical insight
- ...
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Sampling stationary measures of the Euler-Zeitlin Equations,
By Milo Viviani
Sampling stationary measures of the Euler-Zeitlin Equations,
- 139