Solving cubic matrix equations arising in conservative dynamics
Milo Viviani (joint work with prof. Michele Benzi)
Scuola Normale Superiore - Pisa
Isospectral flows
- The spectrum of Y is time-invariant
- L self-adjoint w.r.t. Frobenious inner product ⇒ flow Hamiltonian w.r.t. H=21Tr(LYY∗)
- Y0∈M(N,C)
- [A,B]=AB−BA
- Euler equations of ideal fluid dynamics
L=ΔN−1, Y∈su(N) - Drift-Alfvén plasma
Y∈su(N)⊕su(N) - Heisenberg spin chain
Y∈su(2)⊕N - Rmk. Assume L−1 to be sparse and invertible
Geometric integration of isospectral flows
- Second order in time (h is the time-step)
- Spectrum of Y exactly preserved
- Hamiltonian conserved up to O(h2)
Geometric integration of isospectral flows
- L:gJ→gJ⇒the numerical scheme above restricts to a discrete flow on gJ
- Main examples u(N), sp(N), o(N)
J−quadratic Lie algebras
Cubic equation
- X unknown
- Y∈M(N,R) or M(N,C) given
Thm. Given Y∈M(N,C), equation (*) has a unique solution for sufficiently small h>0 in some neighbourhood of Y.
Furthermore, when equation (*) takes place in su(N), the solution is unique for any h≤3∥L∥op∥Y∥1.
- Existence: apply Peano local existence theorem to
Write equation (*) as the fixed point problem
where Gh=I−∂X∂Fh
- Uniquenss: apply Banach-Caccioppoli theorem for Fh in the neighbourhood of (0,X), where X is a fixed point
- Take Z such that X+Z=Y and get a bound for h to get the desired neighbourhood of Y
- X,Y∈su(N): evaluate the Frobenius norm of Y
- −(hLX)2 is positive semidefinite (matrices in su(N) have purely imaginary eigenvalues
- Hence ∥X∥≤∥Y∥
- Replacing ∥Y∥ to ∥X∥ and ∥X+Z∥ in the previous inequality gives the bound for h
Numerical schemes
Explicit fixed point iteration
- Convergence is guaranteed by the Theorem above, for h sufficiently small and X0:=Y
- The complexity is O(N3)
- Only two matrices multiplications are required when working in su(N)
Linear iteration
- Convergence can be derived by the Theorem above, for h sufficiently small and X0:=Y
- The complexity is O(N3)
- To solve the second equation we take the LU-factorization of I±hPk
Inexact Newton iteration
Inexact Newton iteration
Need an approximation for DG(X)−1
- DG(X)−1≈I+hB1 [Exact 1st order]
- DG(X)−1≈I+hB1+h2B2
- DG(X)−1≈I+hB1+h2B12
- DG(X)−1≈I+hB1+h2(B12+B2) [Exact 2nd order]
Rmk. the second one is the best compromise between exactness and computational cost
- The total complexity is O(N3)
Numerical experiments
Euler Equations
Spatial semidiscretization of the Euler equations on a compact orientable surface S, ωt∈C∞(S)
Give the Hamiltonian isospectral flow on su(N), for N≥1
Rmk. ΔN is tridiagonal, the evaluation of ΔN−1W (via LU-factorization done once) requires O(N2) operations
Euler Equations
Time-step h=0.5, normalized initial data

Rmk. Explicit fixed point performs the best in terms of CPU time
Heisenberg spin chain
Spatial semidiscretization of the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert Hamiltonian PDE, σt:S1→S2
Give the Hamiltonian isospectral flow on su(2)⊕N, for N≥1
for i=1,...,N with S1≡SN
Time-step h=0.5, normalized initial data
Rmk. Explicit fixed point performs the best in terms of stabilty and CPU time.
Heisenberg spin chain

An unpractical scheme
Quadratic iteration
The first equation is CARE (Continuous Algebraic Riccati Equation) in Pk
- Non-uniqueness issues
Quadratic iteration
non-uniqueness issues
Prop. Let A,B∈su(N) be non-singular, with signature matrix equal to Ip,N−p.
Then, the equation ZAZ∗=B has solution Z∈GL(N,C) if and only if Z=CUD, for some U∈U(p,N−p) and C,D non-singular such that B=CIp,N−pC∗ and DAD∗= Ip,N−p.
Ex. Search for Z=I+P, for P skew-Hermitian.
Let A,B diagonal s.t. i(A−B)≥0.
Then, any P diagonal skew-hermitian (i.e. purely imaginary) such that P2=BA−1−I is a solution.
For generic A,B as above, we get 2N solutions.
- Iterative schemes for the solution of cubic matrix equations arising in the numerical solution of certain conservative PDEs
- Geometrical integrators: preservation of important physical features
- Both fixed point iterations and inexact Newton work well
- Fixed point iterations more efficient for large time-step and large dimensions
- Implicit fixed point iteration is more stable
Thanks for your attention
Solving cubic matrix equations arising in conservative dynamics
By Milo Viviani
Solving cubic matrix equations arising in conservative dynamics
- 127