Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship

By: Sena Lee

When an individual is in a relationship, it is important to know if you are in a healthy one. One should make sure that they are in a healthy relationship, as an unhealthy relationship could put one's happiness or health at risk.

1. Nurturing and Loving 

This is the most important characteristic in a healthy relationship. In a loving relationship, there is a feeling of being cared for with the meaningful actions and words of the partner. 

2. Being Honest

In a relationship, it is important to be honest with one another. To have a healthy relationship, it is important to be truthful and not lie.

3. Listening to your partner

It is important in a relationship, that both partners listen to each other. This way it will be easier to understand your partner, when trying to resolve a conflict or daily activities.

4. Willing to Admit Mistakes

In a relationship, a couple should be able to admit their mistakes. Instead of trying to win, the ability to listen attentively to your partners words and opinions will help to resolve conflicts. This way, the couple can work together to grow and learn from their mistakes.

5. Being Open

It is essential to have an open relationship with your partner, instead of keeping it all inside. If there is something one partner does not like about the other, they should communicate it. However, they should do it in a respectful manner as to not hurt the other person.  

6. Responsibility  

It is important in a relationship, that both partners feel emotionally and physically safe, happy, and self-worth. If things do not feel this way, a partner should not consistently try to blame the other. When blaming a partner, it would create low self-worth, unhappiness, and an emotionally unsafe environment.


7. Enjoying Time Together and Apart

In a healthy relationship, partners enjoy their time together. Their time together would be fun and enjoyable, instead of being exhausting and unbearable. Additionally, enjoying the times apart is healthy for the relationship. Partners should have some emotional dependency, which allows time have fun with different friends or pursue other interests. 

Image Citations

  • Digital image. 17 Things We Know About Forgiveness. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Aug. 2016. <>.
  • Digital image. 5 Ways to Nurture and Love Yourself - Southlake Counseling. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Aug. 2016. <>.
  • Digital image. Couples Having Fun While Moving Home - Independent Mortgages Direct NE. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Aug. 2016. <>.
  • Digital image. Relationship Issues: Why Happy Couples With Big Fights Also Have Big Resolutions. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Aug. 2016. <>.


Healthy Relationships

By pennyclover66

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