Planning with Graphs

of Convex Sets

Russ Tedrake

Grasp Lab Seminar

October 29, 2021

Slides available live at
or later at

Shortest Paths in Graphs of Convex Sets

Tobia Marcucci, Jack Umenberger, Pablo Parrilo, Russ Tedrake. Shortest Paths in Graphs of Convex Sets. (Under review)

Available at:

Shortest Paths on Graphs of Convex Sets

Sample-based motion planning

The Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM)
from Choset, Howie M., et al.
Principles of robot motion: theory, algorithms, and implementation. MIT press, 2005.

Goal #1: Motion planning

Global optimization-based planning for manipulators with dynamic constraints


  • Planning through contact
  • Today: Collision-free planning

image credit: James Kuffner


Goal #2: Deeper connections between

Trajectory optimization

Sample-based planning

AI-style logical planning

Combinatorial optimization

Collision-free planning with dynamic constraints

Running example: Shortest path around an obstacle



Step 1:

Big-M formulation

IRIS (Fast approximate convex segmentation)

  • Iteration between (large-scale) quadratic program and (relatively compact) semi-definite program (SDP)
  • Scales to high dimensions, millions of obstacles
  • ... enough to work on raw sensor data

Running example: Shortest path around an obstacle



Step 2:

Convex hull formulation

  • Guaranteed collision-free along piecewise polynomial trajectories
  • Complete/globally optimal within convex decomposition

Dynamic planning through contact

Dynamic planning through contact

Still not happy...

  • Too many integer variables
    • transcriptions add "false" combinatorial complexity


  • Branch and bound working too hard
    • loose convex relaxations

Pablo asked the right question...

"We know that the LP formulation of the shortest path problem is tight.  Why exactly are your relaxations loose?"

  • Vertices \(V\)
  • (Directed) edges \(E\)

Traditional Shortest Path as a Linear Program (LP)

\(\varphi_{ij} = 1\) if the edge \((i,j)\) in shortest path, otherwise \(\varphi_{ij} = 0.\)

\(c_{ij} \) is the (constant) length of edge \((i,j).\)

\begin{aligned} \min_{\varphi} \quad & \sum_{(i,j) \in E} c_{ij} \varphi_{ij} \\ \mathrm{s.t.} \quad & \sum_{j \in E_i^{out}} \varphi_{ij} + \delta_{ti} = \sum_{j \in E_i^{in}} \varphi_{ji} + \delta_{si}, && \forall i \in V, \\ & \varphi_{ij} \geq 0, && \forall (i,j) \in E. \end{aligned}

"flow constraints"

binary relaxation

path length

Graphs of Convex Sets


  • For each \(i \in V:\)
    • Compact convex set \(X_i \subset \R^d\)
    • A point \(x_i \in X_i \) 
  • Edge length given by a convex function \[ \ell(x_i, x_j) \]

New shortest path formulation

\begin{aligned} \min_{\varphi} \quad & \sum_{(i,j) \in E} c_{ij} \varphi_{ij} \\ \mathrm{s.t.} \quad & \sum_{j \in E_i^{out}} \varphi_{ij} + \delta_{ti} = \sum_{j \in E_i^{in}} \varphi_{ji} + \delta_{si}, && \forall i \in V, \\ & \varphi_{ij} \geq 0, && \forall (i,j) \in E. \end{aligned}

Classic shortest path LP

\begin{aligned} \min_{\varphi,x} \quad & \sum_{(i,j) \in E} \ell_{ij}(x_i, x_j) \varphi_{ij} \\ \mathrm{s.t.} \quad & x_i \in X_i, && \forall i \in V, \\ & \sum_{j \in E_i^{out}} \varphi_{ij} + \delta_{ti} = \sum_{j \in E_i^{in}} \varphi_{ji} + \delta_{si} \le 1, && \forall i \in V, \\ & \varphi_{ij} \geq 0, && \forall (i,j) \in E. \end{aligned}

now w/ Convex Sets

New shortest path formulation

\begin{aligned} \min_{\varphi,x} \quad & \sum_{(i,j) \in E} \ell_{ij}(x_i, x_j) \varphi_{ij} \\ \mathrm{s.t.} \quad & x_i \in X_i, && \forall i \in V, \\ & \sum_{j \in E_i^{out}} \varphi_{ij} + \delta_{ti} = \sum_{j \in E_i^{in}} \varphi_{ji} + \delta_{si} \le 1, && \forall i \in V, \\ & \varphi_{ij} \geq 0, && \forall (i,j) \in E. \end{aligned}
  • Use convex hull reformulation + perspective functions to rewrite this as mixed-integer convex.
  • Strengthen convex relaxation by adding additional convex constraints (implied at binary feasibility).

Running example: Shortest path around an obstacle



Step 3:

New formulation

Did we resolve our issues?

  • Too many integer variables
    • transcriptions add "false" combinatorial complexity


  • Branch and bound working too hard
    • loose convex relaxations

Note: Path length is no longer predetermined

          is the convex relaxation.  (it's tight!)

Euclidean shortest path

  • Finding the shortest path from A to B while avoiding polygonal obstacles (“Euclidean shortest path”):
    • Solvable in polytime in 2D (with a visibility graph)
    • NP-hard from 3 dimensions on
    • For the 3D case there exists an approximation algorithm which gives you \(\epsilon\)-optimality in poly time
    • Nothing is known for dimension \(\ge 4\)


  • New formulation:
    • Provides polynomial-time algorithm for dimension \(\ge 4\) that is often tight.
    • Solves a more general class of problems (e.g. can add dynamic constraints).
  • When sets \( X_i \) are points, reduces to standard LP formulation of the shortest path (known to be tight).


  • There are instances of this problem that are NP-hard.
  • We give simple examples where relaxation is not tight.

  • Can add (piecewise-affine) dynamic constraints on pairs \( (x_i,x_j). \)


Example: "Footstep planning" with \(x_{n+1}=Ax_n + Bu_n\)

Previous best formulations New formulation
Lower Bound
(from convex relaxation)
7% of MICP 80% of MICP


Most important changes (vs previous formulation)

  1. Binaries per edge, instead of per region
  2. Additional constraints which tighten the convex relaxation

Should be suitable for many graph-based optimization problems

Going forward...

Example: Bipartite matching (with convex regions)

Back to motion planning

Manipulators at the dynamic limits

  • Real applications are bumping up against dynamic limits (joint speed/acceleration/torque and friction limits, etc)
  • Observation: diverse motions, but relatively consistent environment.
    • Precompute regions to make online optimization fast

Trajectories in graphs of convex sets

  • B-spline parameterization
  • Convex sets are Cartesian power of C-space regions


  • Linear constraints connect segments
  • Linear constraints for derivative limits (joint velocity, acceleration, ...)

work w/ Andres Valenzuela

Configuration-space regions

  • Original IRIS algorithm assumed obstacles were convex
  • New extensions for C-space
    • Nonlinear optimization for speed
    • Interval arithmetic for verification

work w/ Soonho Kong

Time-optimal rescaling

work w/ Mark Petersen

"Hydroelastic contact" as implemented in Drake


  • New strong mixed-integer convex formulation for shortest path problems over convex regions
    • reduces to shortest path as regions become points
    • NP-hard; but strong formulation \(\Rightarrow\) efficient B&B
    • Convex relaxations are often tight!  \(\Rightarrow\) Rounding strategies
  • Initial applications in manipulator planning at dynamic limits


Give it a try:

pip install drake
sudo apt install drake

Goal #2: Deeper connections between

Trajectory optimization

Sample-based planning

AI-style logical planning

Combinatorial optimization

My MIT manipulation class is online (videos + notes)

Planning in Graphs of Convex Sets

By russtedrake

Planning in Graphs of Convex Sets

Talk at UIUC, January 19, 2021

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