russtedrake PRO
Roboticist at MIT and TRI
(Part 2)
MIT 6.421:
Robotic Manipulation
Fall 2023, Lecture 20
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Do Differentiable Simulators Give Better Policy Gradients?
H. J. Terry Suh and Max Simchowitz and Kaiqing Zhang and Russ Tedrake
ICML 2022
Available at:
The answer is subtle; the Heaviside example might shed some light.
Differentiable simulators give ∂θ∂f, but we want ∂θ∂Ew[f(θ,w)].
J. Burke, F. E. Curtis, A. Lewis, M. Overton, and L. Simoes, Gradient Sampling Methods for Nonsmooth Optimization, 02 2020, pp. 201–225.
But the regularity conditions aren't met in contact discontinuities, leading to a biased first-order estimator.
Often, but not always.
∂x∂f(x)=0 almost everywhere!
First-order estimator is biased
≈ ∂μ∂Eμ[f(x)]
Zero-order estimator is (still) unbiased
e.g. with stiff contact models (large gradient ⇒ high variance)
Global Planning for Contact-Rich Manipulation via
Local Smoothing of Quasi-dynamic Contact Models
Tao Pang, H. J. Terry Suh, Lujie Yang, and Russ Tedrake
Available at:
Establish equivalence between randomized smoothing and a (deterministic/differentiable) force-at-a-distance contact model.
By russtedrake
MIT Robotic Manipulation Fall 2023