Lesson 1:

Introduction to Probability Theory


  1. Introduction to Probability Theory
  2. Two fundamental rules of Probability Theory
  3. Main properties of probabilities
  4. Bayes Law

Probability Theory

is the branch of mathematics concerned with analysis of random phenomena

  • The study of probability helps us figure out the likelihood of something happening
  • In mathematics we call this "something happening" or an "event"



is a way of expressing what the chances are that an event will occur

  • Numerically probability \(p\) is expressed with a real-valued number between 0 and 1: $$p\in[0;1]$$
  • Such number represents the chance from 0% to 100%

Random Variable

is a variable \(v\) whose values depend on
outcomes of a random phenomenon

Discrete Random Variable

deal with events that occur in a countable sample space

  • countable number of  states (outcomes of the random event) $$v\in\{s_1, s_2,\dots,s_n\}$$
  • usually has non-zero probability for each state \(s_i\)$$p(v=s_i)\geq0$$
  • sum of the probabilities for all states is always 100% $$\displaystyle\sum_i{p(v=s_i)}=1$$

Continuous Random Variable

deal with events that occur in a continuous sample space

  • infinite number of states $$v\in[a;d]$$
  • probability for each concrete state \(c\) is infinitely small  $$p(v=c)=0$$
  • instead, the probabilities of \(v\) to be in some interval are evaluated $$p(b< v\leq c)\geq0,$$ $$p(a< v\leq d)=1$$

Discrete Random Variable

  • countable number of  states (outcomes of the random event) $$v\in\{s_1, s_2,\dots,s_n\}$$
  • usually has non-zero probability for each state \(s_i\)$$p(v=s_i)\geq0$$
  • sum of the probabilities for all states is always 100% $$\displaystyle\sum_i{p(v=s_i)}=1$$

Thus, the probability \(p\) of one discrete random variable (event) \(v\) which is defined for \(n\) states comprises \(n\) chances for every state $$p(v) \equiv \left\{p(v=s_1), p(v=s_2),\dots,p(v=s_n)\right\}$$


In the DGM library such probabilities are stored as vectors of floating-point numbers:

std::vector<float> probability;

Two Fundamental Rules of Probability Theory

1. Sum Rule

p(v_1)=\displaystyle\sum_{v_2}{p(v_1, v_2)}

Here \(p(v_1,v_2)\) is a joint probability and is verbalised as
the probability of \(v_1\) and \(v_2\)

Joint Probability

p(v_1, v_2)

In DGM library this is a two-dimensional matrix whose size is equal to the number of states of each of the random variables and the value of each element is equal to the probability of events \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) occurring simultaneously

cv::Mat probability(n, m, CV_32FC1);

Joint probability is commutative: $$p(v_1,v_2)=p(v_2,v_1)$$

2. Product Rule

Here the quantity \(p(v1~|~v_2)\) is a conditional probability and is verbalised as
the probability of \(v_1\) given \(v_2\)

Conditional Probability


In DGM library this is a two-dimensional matrix whose size is equal to the number of states of each of the random variables and the value of each element is equal to the probability of event \(v_1\) occurring, provided event \(v_2\) has occurred

cv::Mat probability(n, m, CV_32FC1);

Conditional probability is not commutative: $$p(v_1~|~v_2)\not=p(v_2~|~v_1)$$

p(v_1,v_2)=p(v_1~|~v_2)\cdot p(v_2)

Main Properties of Probabilities

Statistical Independence

Two random variables \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) are statistically independent (also unconditional independent) if and only if



As consequence we have:

p(v_1, v_2)=p(v_1~|~v_2)\cdot p(v_2)
=p(v_1)\cdot p(v_2)

Statistical Independence

Two random variables \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) are statistically independent (also unconditional independent) if and only if



As consequence we have:

p(v_1, v_2)=
=p(v_1)\cdot p(v_2)

Conditional Independence

Two random variables \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) are conditional independent given a third random variable \(v_3\) if and only if


$$p(v_1~|~v_2, v_3)=p(v_1~|~v_3)^1$$

As consequence we have:

\(^1\)This notation is equivalent to \(v_1\perp\!\!\!\perp v_2~|~v_3\)

=p(v_1~|~v_3)\cdot p(v_2~|~v_3),
p(v_1, v_2~|~v_3)=p(v_1~|~v_2, v_3)\cdot p(v_2~|~v_3)

Conditional Independence

Two random variables \(v_1\) and \(v_2\) are conditional independent given a third random variable \(v_3\) if and only if


$$p(v_1~|~v_2, v_3)=p(v_1~|~v_3)^1$$

As consequence we have:

\(^1\)This notation is equivalent to \(v_1\perp\!\!\!\perp v_2~|~v_3\)

=p(v_1~|~v_3)\cdot p(v_2~|~v_3),

which must be hold for every possible value of \(v_3\), and not just for some values

p(v_1, v_2~|~v_3)=

General Product Rule

By application of the product rule of probability

\(p(v_i,v_j)=p(v_i~|~v_j)\cdot p(v_j)\), we can write the joint distribution for an arbitrary number \(n\) of random variables \(\vec{v} = (v_1,\dots,v_n)^\top\)

Note, that this decomposition holds for any choice of the joint distribution

p(\vec{v})=\displaystyle\prod^{n-1}_{i=1}{p(v_i~|~v_{i+1},\dots,v_n)}\cdot p(v_n)


Thomas Bayes

c. 1701 - 7 April 1761

British mathematician and priest

Portrait purportedly of Bayes used in a 1936 book, but it is doubtful whether the portrait is actually of him. No earlier portrait or claimed portrait survives

Bayes Law

Bayes law may be derived directly from the product rule and the commutative property of joint probability:


$$p(v_1,v_2)=p(v_1~|~v_2)\cdot p(v_2)$$

$$p(v_2,v_1)=p(v_2~|~v_1)\cdot p(v_1)$$

$$p(v_1,v_2)=p(v_2,v_1)\Longrightarrow p(v_1~|~v_2)\cdotp(v_2) = p(v_2~|~v_1)\cdot p(v_1)$$

p(v_1~|~v_2)=\displaystyle\frac{p(v_2~|~v_1)\cdot p(v_1)}{p(v_2)}

Thomas Bayes

c. 1701 - 7 April 1761

British mathematician and priest

Portrait purportedly of Bayes used in a 1936 book, but it is doubtful whether the portrait is actually of him. No earlier portrait or claimed portrait survives

Bayes Law

Bayes law may be derived directly from the product rule and the commutative property of joint probability:

p(A~|~B)=\displaystyle\frac{p(B~|~A)\cdot p(A)}{p(B)}

Posterior probability


Prior probability

Posterior~probability\propto Likelihood\times Prior~probability

"Bayes law for probability theory, the same as Pythagorean theorem for geometry"

-Harold Jeffreys, British mathematician

Total probability

Thomas Bayes

c. 1701 - 7 April 1761

British mathematician and priest

Portrait purportedly of Bayes used in a 1936 book, but it is doubtful whether the portrait is actually of him. No earlier portrait or claimed portrait survives

Bayes Law

Bayes law may be derived directly from the product rule and the commutative property of joint probability:

p(A~|~B)=\displaystyle\frac{p(B~|~A)\cdot p(A)}{p(B)}

Posterior probability


Prior probability

Total probability

Total probability: $$p(B)=\displaystyle\sum^{n}_{i=1}{p(B|A_i)\cdot p(A_i)}$$

Allows to calculate the probability of an event of interest through conditional probabilities of this event in respect to the probabilities of some sypothesises


Bayes Law

Bayes law may be derived directly from the product rule and the commutative property of joint probability:

p(A~|~B)=\displaystyle\frac{p(B~|~A)\cdot p(A)}{p(B)}

Posterior probability


Prior probability

  • A school has 60% boys and 40% girls;
  • The girl students wear trousers or skirts in equal numbers; the boys all wear trousers;
  • An observer sees a student in trousers;
  • What is the probability that the student is a girl ?

Formulating the task:

  • Let event \(A\) denotes a girl, \(\bar{A}\) - a boy
  • Let event \(B\) denotes trousers, \(\bar{B}\) - skirts
  • Find \(p(A~|~B)\)

Total probability: $$p(B)=\displaystyle\sum^{n}_{i=1}{p(B|A_i)\cdot p(A_i)}$$

Allows to calculate the probability of an event of interest through conditional probabilities of this event in respect to the probabilities of some sypothesises

Total probability


Bayes Law

Bayes law may be derived directly from the product rule and the commutative property of joint probability:

p(A~|~B)=\displaystyle\frac{p(B~|~A)\cdot p(A)}{p(B)}
  • A school has 60% boys and 40% girls;
  • The girl students wear trousers or skirts in equal numbers; the boys all wear trousers;
  • An observer sees a student in trousers;
  • What is the probability that the student is a girl ?

Formulating the task:

  • Let event \(A\) denotes a girl, \(\bar{A}\) - a boy
  • Let event \(B\) denotes trousers, \(\bar{B}\) - skirts
  • Find \(p(A~|~B)\)

$$p(B)=\displaystyle\sum^{n}_{i=1}{p(B|A_i)\cdot p(A_i)}$$

p(B)=p(B~|~A)\cdot p(A) + p(B~|~\bar{A})\cdot p(\bar{A})
=0.5\cdot 0.4 + 1\cdot 0.6=0.8
p(A~|~B)=\displaystyle\frac{p(B~|~A)\cdot p(A)}{p(B)}=\displaystyle\frac{0.5\cdot 0.4}{0.8}=0.25


Bayes Law

Bayes law may be derived directly from the product rule and the commutative property of joint probability:

p(A~|~B)=\displaystyle\frac{p(B~|~A)\cdot p(A)}{p(B)}
  • A school has 60% boys and 40% girls;
  • The girl students wear trousers or skirts in equal numbers; the boys all wear trousers;
  • An observer sees a student in trousers;
  • What is the probability that the student is a girl ?

Formulating the task:

  • Let event \(A\) denotes a girl, \(\bar{A}\) - a boy
  • Let event \(B\) denotes trousers, \(\bar{B}\) - skirts
  • Find \(p(A~|~B)\)

$$p(B)=\displaystyle\sum^{n}_{i=1}{p(B|A_i)\cdot p(A_i)}$$

Bayes law allows to switch cause and corollary

Introduction to Probability Theory

By Dr. Sergey Kosov

Introduction to Probability Theory

Lesson 1: https://research.project-10.de/dgm/

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