A brand, identity and logo each have different roles but work together to create a perceived image for a company.

What's the difference?

LOGO - identifies a business in its simplest form through a mark, icon or typeface. 

IDENTITY - the visual aspect that forms the overall brand

BRAND - the perceived emotional corporate image as a whole. 


  • Short for the word logotype- which is design speak for trademark.
  • Can be a symbol, monogram, emblem or other graphic device.
  • Helps identify a company or product but rarely does little to explain what they do.
  • What a logo means is more important than what it looks like
  • Example- we identify ourselves by name (Jen) but not by who we are: A girl who likes to design and craves Paula's donuts.


The logo functions the way it's intended only when the public becomes familiar with it.


  • visual aspects that form part of the overall brand
  • usually in the form of guidelines for  visual devices used within a company
  • help administer how an identity is applied throughout a variety of different mediums and can include guides for color palettes, typography, layouts & measurements
  • help keep the identity coherent and recognizable 



  • Logo
  • Stationary (letterhead, business card, envelopes)
  • Marketing Collateral (brochures, flyers, etc)
  • Products & Packaging
  • Uniforms (if necessary)or dress code
  • Signage
  • Environment (including sounds, smell, etc)




Perceived emotional corporate image as a whole.

  • A designer does not make the brand. A designer forms the foundation for the brand.
  • The brand is determined by the audience.
  • The brand is a corporate image - it's actions, what it stands for, what it believes in and why it exists.
  • Involves equal part creativity & strategy


  • Apple
  • Nike
  • Wegmans
  • Panera Bread


  • A brand that is encompasses the interests, attitudes and opinions of a culture or target audience.

  • Consumers often become brand ambassadors.


"If the works we create are to connect with our intended audience, we must first try to understand that audience & evaluate every aspect of our work in the context of NOW"

When starting off, you should always remember that you're working with a brand.

You're working with all of the stuff (emotions, thoughts, history, possibilities and gossip) that come with the brand. This is call brand equity

ask yourself..

How much do I know about this brand? 
Research the brand. Become it's biggest fan before starting any work

How can I leverage the ideals of the brand?
Learn from the audience, what they know and how they feel about the brand


Each brand has it's own core value. 
  • Nike exhorts
  • IBM solves
  • Sony dreams
  • Jeep Tough
  • Volvo safety

Find the one core value and use it as an adjective

Remember, there's ALOT of brands out there and you need to make yours stand out from the competition (and other brands not in your placement)

Keep it simple!

  • get your brand down to one adjective
  • research and ask the customers
  • make sure it's the right adjective. Separation can be nasty once they are married
  • If a key adjective is already taken, try the opposite. Example: Heinz=slowest
  • The more words, the more confusing the brand can be to the customer

Advertising branding 

By shadow4611

Advertising branding 

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