
Week 12

What is the Dom?

  • It's an API for HTML pages
  • Serves as a "map" to all the elements on the page
  • Can use the "map" to locate and manipulate elements and content
  • Without the DOM, JavaScript wouldn't be able to locate and manipulate items on an HTML page


Each HTML element on a page is considered a node


  • You can access all the nodes on an HTML page
  • document object identifies the page and is the starting point for DOM crawling
  • There are a number of standard built-in properties that you can use to access collections of elements


var time=document.getElementbyId ("clock")innerHTML

Accessing DOM NODES

  • document.getElementByTagName()
  • The above retrieves element(s) you specify in the argument
  • document.getElementByTagName("h1") returns every H1 tag on the page using a collection (or nodeList) starting with the number 0
  • 0 is the first H1 on the page with the highest number being the last H1 that appears on the page
  • Example h1 [0], h1 [1], h1[2]

Accessing Dom Nodes

  • document.getElementById()
  • The above returns a single element based on the ID called in theattribute

Accessing Dom Nodes

<img src="images/kitten.jpg" id="kittenPhoto"/>

var photo=getElementById("kittenPhoto.jpg")

Accessing Dom nodes

  • document.getElementByClassName()
  • Allows you to access a node based on it's class value

var firstColumn=document.getElementByClassName("colA")

If there is more than one class on the page with the name, it will put them in a Node List like getElementByTagName

Accessing Dom Nodes

  • document.querySelectorAll()
  • The above access a node based on the CSS style selector
  • var paragraph="document.querySelectorAll(".col H1")
  • the above also returns a Node List

Accessing dom nodes

  • document.getAttribute()
  • The above accesses an attribute in an HTML tag

<img src="kittens.jpg" id="catPhoto"/>
var catImage= document.getAttribute ("catPhoto");
alert (catPhoto.getAttribute("src"));

Manipulating nodes

  • setAttribute() can set a previous attribute to a new attribute

var catImage="document.getElementByID("kittens.jpg");
catImage.setAttribute ("src", "kittens2.jpg");

Manipulating nodes

  • innerHTML(); accesses and changes text and markup inside an element

ColLeft.inner.HTML="<p>this is the intro</p>"

Manipulating nodes

  • style() - adds, modifies or removes styles


Adding and removing elements

  • createElement(); creates a new element
var newCol=document.createElement("div");

  • createTextNode(); enters text in an element
var newText=document.createTextNode("Wow!");

  • appendChild();  takes the above and adds them to the HTML
var newDiv=document.getElementbyID("col1")
var newText=document.createTextNode("Wow!");

adding and removing elements

  • insertBefore(); inserts an element before another element

var ourDiv=document.getElementByID("ourDiv");
var para = document.getElementByID("newPara");

var newHeading=document.getElementById("h1");
var hText=document.createTextNode("New Heading");

ourDiv.insertBefore(newHeading, para)

Adding and removing Elements

  • replaceChild(); replaces one node with another
  • Takes 2 arguments (new child, node that gets replaced by the first)

var ourDiv=document.getElementById("col1");
var swap=document.getElementById("swapMe");
var newImg=document.createElement("img");

newImg.setAttribute("src", "images/kitten2.jpg");
ourDiv.replaceChild(newImg, swap);

adding and remove elements

  • removeChild(); removes a node

var parentDiv=document.getElementById("parent");
var remove=document.getElementById("removeMe");



Normalizes behavior across all browsers using JavaScript

Used to help create HTML5 functionality that a browser may not support

  • HTML 5 shiv (shim)
  • Modernizr
  • Selectivzr
  • Repond.js

Polyfills:HTML5 Shiv

  • enable IE8 and earlier to recognize and style newer HTML5 tags such as header, footer, article, section and nav
  • Download JS file, place in your website folder, then reference JS file in the head tag using an IE conditional
<!--[if lt IE9]>
   <script src="html5shim.js"></script>



  • tests to see if a browser doesn't support certain features and loads polyfills to correct them


  • Allows older versions of IE to understand CSS3 selectors that it currently doesn't support


  • Allows older browsers to support max and min width CSS properties and media queries
  • you can download respond.js and reference it in the head tag

Javascript libraries

LWD: week 12

By shadow4611

LWD: week 12

  • 387