Other App Frameworks
Reactive Native
- The latest and greatest mobile framework
- Based on JavaScript and React
- Not really a hybrid framework. You use JavaScript and JSX (adds XML syntax to JavaScript) to create a fully native mobile application
- Open souce
- https://facebook.github.io/react/
- https://facebook.github.io/react-native/
Pros and Cons
- Runs fast
- Open source
- Uses native architecture and concept
- You can only use components available to native application platforms
- Excellent error reporting
- CSS Flexbox is used for layout design
- Ever growing community plus large 3rd party support
- Learn once, write anywhere
Pros and Cons
- Because of different OS flows, it's not a write-once-run-anywhere framework
- Need to understand that iOS platform uses different layout flow, components, design patterns compared to Android. Because of this it’s impossible to create one solution to cover everything.
- Need to be pretty strong at JavaScript
- Currently it only supports two major platforms, iOS and Android.
React Native Demo
- Is an HTML5 SDK that helps you build hybrid apps with web technologies (UI framework)
- Helps create visual elements- UI and design
- Still use PhoneGap, HTML, CSS and JavaScript to build out your app
Pros and Cons
- Open source and free
- Helps aid in the front-end development of hybrid apps
- Lots of documentation and support
- Lets you write the same app once and distribute across multiple platforms
- Uses the angular.js framework which can help speed up development
- Supports Cordova and PhoneGap
- Large number of 3rd party plugins
Pros and Cons
- Runs slower since it's not completely native
- Need to know HTML 5/CSS/JavaScript to take full advantage of Iconic
- Doesn't have as many features as other frameworks
- Need to know Angular.js to do anything complex
Sencha Touch
- HTML5 mobile app framework
- Has a native look and feel
- Can be used with Cordova/PhoneGap or it's native framework to package apps
- Good for enterprises
Pros and Cons
- Sencha has produced various different products
- Can start for free
- Good documentation
- Has a UI and theme library
- Can package using PhoneGap or Cordova
- Helps create hybrid apps using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Pros and Cons
- Slower
- Commercial, not open source
- Cost
- Doesn't have 3rd party plugins
Appcelerator Titanium
- JavaScript framework used for mobile development
- Write a native app using JavaScript
- Similar to PhoneGap in a way because it attempts to offer a cross-platform approach using wen technologies
Pros and Cons
- Faster
- Uses UI native components
- Uses JavaScript to code across all platforms
- Good documentation
- Has a market place for 3rd party plugins and add on apps
- Popular
Pros and Cons
- Cost
- Commercial - not open source
- Can be complex, steep learning curve
- Need to have expert knowledge of JavaScript
Framework 7
- Popular framework for building iOS apps
- Uses CSS, JavaScript and HTML
- Has a native look and feel
- Provides iOS features out of the box
- Access to a UI library that includes list views, side panels and modals that can be used without JavaScript
- Free and open source
App frame works
By shadow4611
App frame works
- 1,098