Portrait vs Landscape


  • Most users browse content in portrait mode on smaller devices.
  • Why?
  • Do you fall into this group?
  • Some devices have a control to "lock" orientation which will only allow you to view content in portrait mode


  • Landscape on smaller devices is ideal for certain content.
  • What content?

Portrait vs Landscape

  • The content you create may only be ideal for a specific orientation
  • You can "lock" the orientation or provide a message that informs users that this content works best on X orientation

Tools for troubleshooting & testing


  • In browser tools
  • ipad peak
  • Browser stack
  • XCode
  • Andriod SDK
  • 3rd party Apps like Appdeck and PhoneGap

Trouble shooting

  • Browser Dev Tools
  • Andriod Dev Tools
  • iOS Dev Tools
  • Apps like PhoneGap


By shadow4611


  • 993