Horizontal Flows, Manifold Stochastics and
Geometric Deep Learning

Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen

Stefan Sommer and Alex Bronstein

Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen

Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

Curvature, convolutions and translation invariance

Geometric deep learning

deep learning with manifold target or manifold domain (Bronstein'17)



  1. relate curvature to the obstruction of translation invariance when parallel transporting kernels
  2. define a convolution operator that naturally incorporates curvature
  3. define efficient manifold-valued convolution operator, generalizing Fréchet mean based operators
  4. exemplify applications of stochastics and bundle theory in geometric deep learning

Sommer, Bronstein: Horizontal Flows and Manifold Stochastics in Geometric Deep Learning. TPAMI, 2020, doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2020.2994507

Convolutions on manifolds

  • Euclidean: \(k\ast f(\mathbf x)=\int_{\mathbb R^d}k(-\mathbf v)f(\mathbf x+\mathbf v)d\mathbf v\)
  • convolution in (pseudo-)coordinates, patch operator (Monti'16,Masci'15,Boscaini'16)
  • is it possible to translate kernels? Can we remove the reliance on charts?

Holonomy obstructs translation invariance

  • directional functions: \(f:M\times TM\to\mathbb R\) (Poulenard'18)
    \[k\ast f(x,v)=\int_{T_xM}k_w( v)f(\overline{\mathrm{Exp}}_x(v))dv\]
  • gauge equivariant convolution: (Taco'19)
    \[k\ast f(x)=\int_{\mathbb R^d} k(\mathbf v)\rho_{x\leftarrow\mathrm{Exp}_x(u_x\mathbf v)}f(\mathrm{Exp}_x(u_x\mathbf v))d\mathbf v \]
  • Holonomy: parallel transport path dependent
  • rotation invariant kernels, orientation from e.g. curvature

Curvature and convolutions

Directional functions: \(f:OM\to\mathbb R\)

\[k\ast f(u)=\int_{\R^d}k(-\mathbf v)f(P_{\gamma(x,u\mathbf v)}(u))d\mathbf v\]


\(k_1,k_2\) kernels with \(\mathrm{supp}(k_i)\subseteq B_r(0)\), and \(f\in C^3(OM,\mathbb R)\)







Riemannian curvature:   \(R(v,u)=-\mathcal{C}([h_u(v),h_u(w)])\)


        \(k_2\ast (k_1\ast f)-k_1\ast (k_2\ast f) =\)

              \(\int_{\mathbb R^d} \int_{\mathbb R^d} k_2(-\mathbf v_2)k_1(-\mathbf v_1) [h_u(u\mathbf v_2),h_u(u\mathbf v_1)]f d\mathbf v_1 d\mathbf v_2 + o(r^{d+1})\)

    + non-associtativity

Frame bundles

  • \(\pi:FM\to M\) is the bundle of linear frames, i.e.
    \(u=(u_1,\ldots,u_d)\in FM\) is an ordered basis for \(T_xM\), \(x=\pi(u)\)
  • \(FM\) is a \(\mathrm{GL}(n)\) principal bundle: \(u:\mathbb R^d\to T_x M\) linear, invertible
  • \(OM\) the subbundle of orthonormal frames (orientations)
  • horizontal lift \(h_u:T_xM\to H_uFM\) and fields: \(H_i:FM\to TFM\)


\[k\ast f(u)=\int_{\R^d}k(-\mathbf v)f(P_{\gamma(x,u\mathbf v)}(u))d\mathbf v\]


        \(k_2\ast (k_1\ast f)-k_1\ast (k_2\ast f) =\)

              \(\int_{\mathbb R^d} \int_{\mathbb R^d} k_2(-\mathbf v_2)k_1(-\mathbf v_1) [h_u(u\mathbf v_2),h_u(u\mathbf v_1)]f d\mathbf v_1 d\mathbf v_2 + o(r^{d+1})\)

Transporting along all paths

Stochastic development:

    \(dU_t=\sum_{i=1}^d H_i\circ_{\mathcal S} dW_t^i\)

\(W_t\) Euclidean Brownian motion

\(X_t=\pi(U_t)\) Riemannian Brownian motion

\(X_t\) supports stochastic parallel transport

Fix \(T>0\): \(U_T\) probability distribution in \(FM\)

... as opposed to geodesics only

Need measure on path space  \(W ([0, T ], M )\)

New convolution operator

\(k\ast_{W_T} f(u)=\int k(-W_T)f(U_T^u)\mathbb P(dW_t)=\mathrm{E}[k(-W_T)f(U_T^u)]\)

  • orientation function:
           \(f:OM\to\mathbb R\)
  • kernel:   \(k:\mathbb R^d\to\mathbb R\)
  • \(W_t\) Euclidean Brown. motion
  • \(U_t\) \(OM\)-development of \(W_t\)
  • link between \(W_t\) and \(U_t\):
      stochastic development


Properties and Algorithm

  • smooth, global support
  • Composition:
    \(k_2\ast_{W_{T/2}} (k_1\ast_{W_{T/2}} f)(u)=\)
  • Tensors: \(k^n_m\), \(f:OM\to\mathbb R^m\)
  • Equivariance: \(a\in O(d)\)
        \(k\ast_{W_T} (a.f)(u)=a.(k\ast_{W_T} f)(u)\)
  • Non-linearities \(\phi_i\):
        \(\phi_n(k_n\ast_{W_{T/n}} \phi_{n-1}(\cdots \phi_1(k_1\ast_{W_{T/n}} f))(u)\)
  • precomputed density \(\rho\)

Sampling means

Manifold target:

Euclidean convolution:

\[k\ast f(\mathbf x)=\argmin_{\mathbf y\in\mathbb R}\mathrm E[k(\mathbf x-\mathbf z)\|\mathbf y-f(\mathbf z)\|^2]\]

conv. from weighted Fréchet mean: (Pennec'06/Chakraborty'19/'20)

\[k\ast f(x)=\argmin_{y\in M}\mathrm E[k(x,z)d(y,f(z))^2)]\]

kernel: \(k:M\times M\to\mathbb R\),    \(\mathrm E[k(x,\cdot)]=1\)

Bridge sampling to diagonal

  • diffusion mean (Hansen'21) weighted:
    \[k\ast f(x)=\argmax_{y\in M}\mathrm E[\log p_{T/k(x,z)}(f(z);y)]\]
  • \(p_T(x,\cdot)\) density of Brownian motion at \(T>0\)
  • \(p_T(x,v)\) and \(k\ast f(x)\) can be approximated by bridge sampling:

bridge sampling: target \(v\)

bridge sampling: target \(\mathrm{diag}(M^2)\)


Stochasticity analogous to deep Gaussian process NNs (Gal'16): \[\mathbf y|\mathbf x,w=\mathcal{N}(\hat{y}(\mathbf x,w),\tau^{-1})\]

Horizontal Flows, Manifold Stochastics

  • curvature obstructs translation invariance
  • measures on paths spaces integrates this out
  • manifold-valued operators can be sampled
  • bundle theory and stochastics can inspire deep learning algorithms

code: http://bitbucket.com/stefansommer/jaxgeometry

slides: https://slides.com/stefansommer


  • Sommer, Bronstein: Horizontal Flows and Manifold Stochastics in Geometric Deep Learning, TPAMI, 2020, doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2020.2994507
  • Hansen, Eltzner, Huckemann, Sommer: Diffusion Means on Riemannian Manifolds, in preparation, 2020.
  • Højgaard Jensen, Sommer: Simulation of Conditioned Diffusions on Riemannian Manifolds, in preparation, 2020.
  • Sommer: Anisotropic Distributions on Manifolds: Template Estimation and Most Probable Paths, IPMI 2015, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-19992-4_15.
  • Sommer, Svane: Modelling Anisotropic Covariance using Stochastic Development and Sub-Riemannian Frame Bundle Geometry, JoGM, 2017, arXiv:1512.08544.
  • Sommer: Anisotropically Weighted and Nonholonomically Constrained Evolutions, Entropy, 2017, arXiv:1609.00395 .

Horizontal Flows and Manifold Stochastics in Geometric Deep Learning

By Stefan Sommer

Horizontal Flows and Manifold Stochastics in Geometric Deep Learning

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