Abdomen : Case 5

History :  A 52-year-old male with abdominal discomfort

What is the abnormality?

A. Bladder stone
B. Calcified uterine myoma
C. Calcified node

D. Artifact

Answer : B . Calcified uterine myoma or calcified fibroid

Uterine Myoma:

  • Benign tumors of smooth muscle origin
  • 20-50% of women > 30 years of age
  • Fibroids may enlarge with elevated estrogen levels such as during the first trimester of pregnancy
  • Uterine fibroids diminish in size after menopause

Clinical Findings :

  • Most : Asymptomatic
  • Symptoms can include : Menorrhagia, pain, urinary frequency, urgency, incontinence or Infertility 


Imaging Findings : Ultrasound is the study of choice

  • Ultrasound
    • Echogenic mass if fibrosis prevails
    • Hypoechoic, solid mass if muscle component is prevalent
    • Sharp discrete shadows
    • Anechoic features if central portion of fibroid has degenerated


  • Conventional radiography :
    • Soft tissue mass arising from the pelvis but separate from the urinary bladder
    • Amorphous, flocculent calcifications in the pelvis
      • May resemble “popcorn” or may calcify the outer rim of fibroid
    • Displacement of bowel gas up and out of the pelvis

Complications :

  • Rarely (< 1%), malignant degeneration to a leiomyosarcoma
  • Exophytic fibroid can torse and cause pain
  • Infertility from interference with implantation
  • During pregnancy< >Spontaneous abortionIntrauterine growth retardation
  • Postpartum hemorrhage


Abdomen Case 5

By Electronic Learning Abdominal Radiology

Abdomen Case 5

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