1. Know Your Audience
- You should know this BEFORE you start designing. Who is your customer?
- Is it a woman, 35+ age that likes to garden OR a man, 55+ that is a do-it-yourselfer?
- Knowing your audience will make the rest of the decisions easier
2. Prominently Display The Benefits
- Many customers focus on the features to determine if it's worth buying.
- Answer the question: What does it do for the customer?
3. Create Multiple Designs
- Create a couple different designs. Print them out and compare
- Don't think because you like it that your customers will like it
- Test
4. Consider the Price Point
- You should design according to the cost of the product
- Don't over design for a lower price point
- Packaging can boost up the cost and break your budget
5. Study the Competition
- Design so you stick out from your competition
- Ask your self: Where will your packaging be displayed? Who's package is it next to?
- Take the time to scope out the stores and learn on what your competition is doing
- Knowing your competition will help you rise above it
6. Consider the Shopper Experience
- Think about how the shopper will interact with your product and design the package accordingly
- Example: If your packaging has a tactile feel or a sound, you may want to design the packaging so customers can feel or hear it
7. Think of your packaging as a billboard
- Make sure you show the features & benefits
- Consider photos, large typography and bright colors to make your package stand out
8. Don't use too much copy
- Customers are visual and don't like to read a lot of copy
- Keep your copy short and to the point
- A good picture says a thousand words
9. Perception
- On average, you have 4 seconds to catch the customers attention and communicate all of the benefits and features of the product
- In the short time the shoppers also makes the decision based on perception derived from what is presented on the packaging
- You want to connect with the customer through emotion and appeal to their interests
10. Remember how a shopper will read the packaging:
- The shopper first notices the package on the shelf
- The shopper mentally asks "What is it?" brining the product name and category into play
- They then ask "Why do I care?" which is answered with a "why to buy" message
- The shopper looks for more information to support the why to buy message (features and benefits, price, guarantees, awards, etc..)
By shadow4611
- 1,047