The box model, layout and styling images

Week 9

the box model

the box model

  • padding- the space in between the border and the content. Padding is added on to the total width of the box.
  • margin- moves the "entire box" to the left, right, up or down
  • border- a line that surrounds the the element. Borders are added on to the total width of the box


You can effect all four sizes of the box


  • padding-left: 3px;
  • padding-right: 4px;
  • padding-top: 5px;
  • padding-bottom: 6px; 
  • padding: 5px;
  • padding: 3px 4px 5px 6px;


  • margin-left:3px;
  • margin-right:4px;
  • margin-top:5px;
  • margin-bottom:6px; 
  • margin:5px;
  • margin:3px 4px 5px 6px;


  • Margins collapse!
  • You can you negative margins (ex: margin-left:-20px;)
  • You can only add left/right margins to inline elements- except for images.


  • border-style (border-top-style)
  • border-width (border-top-width)
  • border-color (border-top-color)
  • border: width, style, color;
  • border-top: width, style, color;


To add rounded corners:

  • border-radius:5px;
  • border-top-right-radius:5px; 
  • note: not supported in ie 8 or below


You can add a photo for a border:

  • border-image:url(path to image), slice, border-image-repeat;
  • border-image:url(kittens.jpg) 55 55 55 55, stretch;

Box sizing

  • box-sizing: (content-box, border-box);
  • width: (percentage, numerical value, auto, inherit)
  • height: (percentage, numerical value, auto, inherit)



By default, overflow is set to visible which allows content to "break" outside the box when it has a specific height.

  • overflow: (visible, hidden, scroll, auto, inherit)


You can change how an element is displayed

  • display: (inline, block, none)

box shadow

  • box-shadow: (horizontal offset, vertical offset, blur distance, spread distance, color)


box-shadow: 6px 5px 5px 6px #4444;


will have to use vendor prefixes.

css positioning and layout

the float property

  • float: (left, right, none, inherit)


  • Can be applied to any HTML element to position it on the page
  • Used to create multi-column layouts
  • img {float:left;} would position all elements to the left side of my page.

the float property


inline elements

  • Always provide a width for floated text elements
  • Floated inline elements behave as block level elements
  • Margins on floated elements do not collapse

the float property


block level elements

  • Always provide a width
  • elements do not float higher than their original spot



Clears floated elements and returns it to it's natural state


clear:(left, right, both, none, inherit)

floating multiple properties


  • containing elements will not "enclose" floated elements by default. 
  • floating the containing element is one fix
  • setting the overflow: auto is another way to fix this

Using floats to create columns


Using CSS positioning

position: (static, relative, absolute, fixed, inherit)


You also have to specify where you what the element moved.


top, right, bottom, left

top: 10px;

Using CSS positioning

  • static: default. Normal positioning within the document.
  • relative: moves an element relative to it's original positioning. 
  • absolute: elements are removed from the document flow and are positioned in respect to the browser window or containing element
  • fixed: element stays "fixed" in one position as users scroll

Using CSS positioning


z-index: (number, auto, inherit)


  • moves items up or down on the "z-axis"
  • by default items are stacked at 1

CSS positioning


page layouts

types of page layouts

  • fixed: stay at a specific pixel width
  • fluid: resize according to the size of the browser
  • elastic: resize based on the proportional value of the text
  • hybrid: combine fixed and scalable layouts

fixed layout

  • easiest to accomplish as a beginner
  • secures the design won't break
  • does not adapt to screen size
  • all widths and height will be in px

fixed layout demo

fluid layouts

  • more advanced way of page layout
  • site design "adapts" to the size of the browser window
  • elements may "break" as site is scaled down
  • more math
  • all widths and heights should be in %

fluid layout demo

elastic layouts

  • less popular than fixed and fluid
  • allows flexibility in text size
  • images and video don't scale
  • hard to control the site width
  • not cross device friendly

hybrid layouts

  • use both % and px to create widths
  • can be used to create a "responsive" site

Grid systems

using faux columns

styling images

styling images

You can control the width and height of an image via CSS

img {

width: 100px;

height: 200px;



width: 100%;

height: 200%;


aligning images

You can also align images using the float property or by using margin: 0px auto to center them

img.left {



display: block;

margin: 0px auto;


background images

  • background-image: url ("images/backgroundimage.jpg");
  • background-repeat: (repeat-x, repeat-y, or repeat)
  • background-attachement: (fixed or scroll);
  • background position: (left, right, top, bottom)

You can set images as background and control if they repeat and their position

background images

  • background: #444 url ("images/backgroundimage.jpg") no-repeat top left;

You can also use the shorthand version


1. Color

2. Image URL

3. Repeat

4. Attachment

5. Position


background images

You can set an image as a background and repeat it as a pattern.

body {

background: url (images/background.jpg) no-repeat;


body {

background: url (images/background.jpg) repeat-y;


background images

You can also call multiple background images. The image called first will be placed infront.


background-image: url(kittens.jpg), url(dogs.jpg);

background-position: left top, center top;

background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat-y;

Sprites (image rollovers)


CSS Gradients

CSS Gradients

New to CSS3, you can create radial and linear gradients


background-image: linear-gradient (180deg, yellow, green)


background-image:radial-gradient (center contain yellow green)

CSS Gradients

Gradients can be difficult to understand and create, but there are tools out there that will help you generate them:




Are applied to already existing classes

  • :link - applies a style to an unclicked link
  • :visited - applies a style to an already clicked link
  • :focus - applies a style when an element is ready for input
  • :hover - applies a style when a link is hovered over with mouse
  • :active - applies a style when the element is being clicked


Are applied to already existing classes

  • :first-line (color, font, background, word-spacing, letter-spacing, text-decoration, vertical-alignment, text-transform, line-height)
  • :first-letter (color, font, text-decoration, text-transform, vertical-align, padding, background, margin, line-height, border, float, letter-spacing, word-spacing)



  • p:first-letter{color:green;}
  • p:first-line{font-size:18px}


  • :before - inserts content before the specified element
  • :after- inserts content after the specified element
  • note: the above does not work in IE7 and below



      content:"Once upon a time";





  • element[attribute]: selects an element that has a the specified attribute



img[title]{border3px solid #555;}


  • element [attribute="exact value"]



input[type="text"]{border:1px solid #444;}


Box Model/layout/styling images

By shadow4611

Box Model/layout/styling images

  • 1,052