Leveraging Differentiable Physics for Contact-rich Robotic Control


Simon Le Cleac'h

Summer 2022

contact is the primary mode of interaction in robotics


  • not differentiable
  • classical optimization methods fail
  • RL has shown impressive results but
    • gradient-free
    • ignores dynamics model


how can we leverage models and gradient information to solve contact-rich robotics tasks?

  • data generator for robotics optimization           

differentiable physics engine

  • robot's internal model of the world                   
  • simulate contact and provide gradients             

optimization problems

control parameters state parameters model parameters

decision variables

performance criteria

optimal control
motion synthesis mechanism design
imitation learning state estimation system identification
movement costs
model-data mismatch
Emo Todorov, Optico: A Framework for Model-Based Optimization with MuJoCo Physics, NeurIPS 2019

optimization as an oracle

  • trajectory optimization with privileged information
  • can generate a lot of 'expert demonstrations' for a learning algorithm
  • useful gradient information

differentiable physics engine

  • stable and accurate simulation

contact physics


implicit complementarity




existing physics engines

Dojo key ideas

stability at low rates

variational integrator

interior-point methods

accurate contact dynamics

implicit differentiation

smooth gradients

m(p_+ -2p +p_-)/h - hmg = 0
Discrete mechanics and variational integrators. J. E. Marsden and M. West.
S = \int_{t_1}^{t_2}{\mathcal{L} dt}





F = m a
p_+ = p + h (v + mg)
S_D = h \sum_{i=1}^{N} \mathcal{L}_i

variational integrator

variational integrator

  • compare astronaut energy and momentum conservation to MuJoCo

  • Dojo performs orders of magnitude better
  • stability at low rates
t = 0s
t = 1s

accurate contact dynamics

MuJoCo linear

Dojo linear

MuJoCo nonlinear

Dojo nonlinear

no collision violations

correct Coulomb friction

interior-point method

impact inequalities

friction second-order cone

cone constraints

custom interior-point solver

  • Mehrotra predictor-corrector algorithm
  • CVXOpt second-order cones
  • non-Euclidean support for quaternions

accurate contact dynamics

nonlinear complementarity problem

accurate contact dynamics

custom interior-point solver

accurate contact dynamics

embedding learned models

f(x_{t+1}, x_t, u_t; \theta) = 0







r(w^*; \theta) = 0

smooth gradients






sensitivity of solution w.r.t problem data

computation cost of gradient is less than simulation step

smooth gradients

Lezioni di analisi infinitesimale. U. Dini.

Dojo gradients vs sampling

less expensive to compute compared to finite-difference or stochastic sampling

randomized smoothing

finite difference


matrix backward substitution


matrix factorization


matrix factorization


Dojo's gradient vs MuJoCo's finite difference

t = 0s
t = 1s

box push

non-smooth dynamics

gradient comparison


randomized smoothing

differentiate intermediate barrier problems for smooth gradients

Dojo gradients vs sampling


trajectory optimization

smooth-gradient-based optimization with iterative LQR

stability at low rates enables 2-5x sample-complexity improvement over MuJoCo

reinforcement learning

train static linear policies for locomotion

gradients enable 5-10x sample-complexity improvement over derivative-free method

stability at low rates enables 2-5x sample-complexity improvement over MuJoCo

system identification

ContactNets: Learning Discontinuous Contact Dynamics with Smooth, Implicit Representations. 
S. Pfrommer, M. Halm, and M. Posa.




real-word dataset

Dojo environment

system identification


friction coefficient




Quasi-Newton method utilizes gradients to

learn parameters to 95% accuracy in 20 steps

model-predictive control

Fast Contact-Implicit Model-Predictive Control. 
S. Le Cleac'h & T. Howell, C. Lee, S. Yang, M. Schwager, Z. Manchester


push recovery

behavior generation

 running policy at 200-500Hz

related work

Global Planning for Contact-Rich Manipulation via Local Smoothing of Quasi-dynamic Contact Models, Tao Pang∗, H.J. Terry Suh∗, Lujie Yang and Russ Tedrake, 

RRT using the same smoothed derivatives as Dojo


Differentiable Physics Simulation of Dynamics-Augmented Neural Objects. 
S. Le Cleac'h, HX. Yu, M. Guo, T. Howell, R. Gao, J. Wu, Z. Manchester, M. Schwager

dynamics-augmented NeRF → complex collision geometries

optimization problems

control parameters state parameters model parameters

decision variables

performance criteria

optimal control
motion synthesis mechanism design
imitation learning state estimation system identification
movement costs
model-data mismatch
Emo Todorov, Optico: A Framework for Model-Based Optimization with MuJoCo Physics, NeurIPS 2019

differentiable optimization modules

differentiable simulator

online optimization-based policy

(MPC, etc.)

control inputs



offline optimization

(RL, RRT, etc.)

motion plans


optimization as a differentiable module

  • build fast robust and differentiable optimization tools:
    • sysID
    • motion generation
    • optimal control
    • state estimation
    • etc.
  • can act as layers or differentiable modules in a larger control struture
    • MPC autotuning
    • MPC with neural networks bits

Taylor Howell

Simon Le Cleac'h

Jan Brüdigam

Zico Kolter

Mac Schwager

Zachary Manchester


Shuo Yang

Chi Yen Lee

Leveraging Differentiable Physics for Contact-rich Robotic Control.

By simonlc

Leveraging Differentiable Physics for Contact-rich Robotic Control.

  • 354