• Hacking as a state of mind

    Useful lessons from the life of one hacker

  • Will the new rich and influential libertarians and cryptoanarchists save the world from dystopia?

  • Cypherpunks: Back then & Now

    Cypherpunks: Back Then & Now

  • Will the new rich and influential libertarians and cryptoanarchists save the world from dystopia?

  • How to leave the system (while staying in one place). For the EU citizens.

    What to do with the unfortunate EU: 1. Tax master, 2. Mandatory health insurance, 3. EU company, 4. Bank account and mobile operator

  • Ako odísť zo systému (a pritom zostať na jednom mieste)

    Čo s nešťastným slovenským / českým / EÚ: 1. Daňovým otrokárom, 2. Zdravotným poistením, 3. Slovenskou (EÚ) firmou, 4. Bankovým účtom a mobilným operátorom

  • Monero The most powerful liberalizing tool of global opportunism

    The first step towards liberation is through the realization of the unfreedom of the status quo. We are born as tax slaves, we are universally discriminated against according to our place of birth, the state brands us, catalogues us, and usurps full control over all our economic activities. Is it possible to leap out of the status quo and gain substantially more economic and personal freedom? Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies represent the most powerful liberalization tools. Thanks to them, we can all be global and flexible. They also make it easier and simpler than ever to 'opt-out' of the system.

  • hacktrophy-use-cases

    In this presentation, we'll discuss real-life scenarios how Hacktrophy helped the customers to reveal serious security vulnerabilities

  • The Global Opportunist's Handbook

    How and where best to decentralize Putting the “flag theory” into practice is the goal of all permanent travelers to free themselves as much as possible from one system and to have the most pleasant, cheapest, and most importantly, free life without bureaucrats and meaningless obligations.

  • HCPP22 opening presentation

  • Money of Latin America

  • The Global Opportunist's Handbook

    How and where best to decentralize Putting the “flag theory” into practice is the goal of all permanent travelers to free themselves as much as possible from one system and to have the most pleasant, cheapest, and most importantly, free life without bureaucrats and meaningless obligations.

  • For the third time, everything wrong: How trivial critical vulnerabilities can lead to a complete leak of sensitive COVID-19 data on all citizens of the country

  • ccs21-opening

  • Make (Crypto) Offshore Business Great Again!

  • Interview about Threat Hunting

  • Hacking as a way of life

    Useful lessons from the life of one hacker

  • Decentralized Uber for Everything

    From the government-controlled economy to a decentralized peer-to-peer society

  • VPN

    Why & which VPN

  • Ako sa Slovensko pripravuje na digitálnu totalitu čínskeho typu (ITAPA 2020)

    Internetová cenzúra, plošné špehovanie nakupovacích návykov všetkých občanov (e-Kasa), sledovanie a blokovanie finančných tokov, zákaz anonymných SIM a platobných kariet, možnosť štátneho sledovania pohybu obyvateľov pomocou mobilnej triangulácie bez ich súhlasu ako aj bez súdneho príkazu, obmedzenie používania hotovosti a crypto-unfriendly legislatíva, nedostatočne anonymizované informácie o COVID-19 pacientov a štátnej contact-tracing aplikácie "Zostaň doma". Stále si myslíte, že digitálna totalita sa Vás netýka?

  • Impact of crypto-anarchy and sharing economy (my accomplished, unfulfilled and expected predictions)

    The lecture describes the current as well as predicted impacts of crypto-anarchism and the sharing economy on the future of human society. What was the situation in this area during 2013-2020? Where have we moved from now on, and where do we head over the next few years? You will learn about the possibilities of anonymous cryptologists that bring financial freedom, but also about the risks associated with the development of the political situation in the world.

  • Security & Privacy of Conference Calls Platform

  • HCPP20 opening presentation

  • My Top 30 Sovereignty Apps

    Apps that can make your life more independent, private and secure. In this demo session, we will fly over the best two-factor authenticators, privacy browsers, decentralized and encrypted messengers, password managers, opensource privacy-aware Facebook and Twitter front-ends, alternative opensource repository, anonymous number service provider for crypto, anonymization networks, anonymous crypto mixers, privacy-aware crypto wallets, secure video calls, SSH and VPN services, privacy enhancers, offline OpenStreetMaps, secure firewall, secure YouTube frontend, opensource Google services alternatives, secure email client with PGP and S/MIME support.

  • Pavla Holcova

    HCPP20 speaker's introduction

  • Chad & Nadia

    HCPP20 speaker's introduction

  • Paul Rosenberg

    HCPP20 speaker's introduction

  • How Slovakia prepares for digital totalitarianism of the Chinese type.

    Internet censorship, massive financial surveillance (e-Kasa, EET), monitoring and blocking of financial flows, prohibition of anonymous SIM and payment cards, tracking citizens' movement by mobile triangulation without their consent and without court order, cash ban and restrictions of crypto use. Unfriendly legislation, insufficiently anonymized information about COVID-19 patients and the state contact-tracing application "Stay at Home". Do you still think that digital totalitarianism does not concern you?

  • Frank Braun & Smuggler

    HCPP20 speaker's introduction

  • Copy of Why is Cyber-security of Businesses Crucial? Lessons from Ethical Hackers

    The goal of the presentation is to describe privacy and IT security trends for CTOs/CIOs: * Current trends in private secure communication. * Inevitability of using 2FA from the security perspective * Pasword Managers * Penetration Tests & Security Audits * Social Engineering

  • Copy of Privacy and IT security trends

    The goal of the presentation is to describe privacy and IT security trends for CTOs/CIOs: * Current trends in private secure communication. * Inevitability of using 2FA from the security perspective * Pasword Managers * Penetration Tests & Security Audits * Social Engineering

  • Why is Cyber-security of Businesses Crucial? Lessons from Ethical Hackers

    The goal of the presentation is to describe privacy and IT security trends for CTOs/CIOs: * Current trends in private secure communication. * Inevitability of using 2FA from the security perspective * Pasword Managers * Penetration Tests & Security Audits * Social Engineering

  • Ako sa Slovensko pripravuje na digitálnu totalitu čínskeho typu

    Internetová cenzúra, plošné špehovanie nakupovacích návykov všetkých občanov (e-Kasa), sledovanie a blokovanie finančných tokov, zákaz anonymných SIM a platobných kariet, možnosť štátneho sledovania pohybu obyvateľov pomocou mobilnej triangulácie bez ich súhlasu ako aj bez súdneho príkazu, obmedzenie používania hotovosti a crypto-unfriendly legislatíva, nedostatočne anonymizované informácie o COVID-19 pacientov a štátnej contact-tracing aplikácie "Zostaň doma". Stále si myslíte, že digitálna totalita sa Vás netýka?

  • What is/not Anarchy?

    Presentation based on Larken Rose's publication 'What's not Anarchy'

  • PP2020

    Vision for PP2020

  • e-Kasa hack

    Všetko o hacku e-Kasa, čo sa nikdy nedozviete od Finančnej správy

  • opt-out-openinng

  • Hacking as a way of life (PP version)

    Useful lessons from the life of one hacker

  • Hacking as a way of life (TEDx)

    Useful lessons from the life of one hacker

  • Internet a jeho nepriatelia


  • Od štátom riadenej ekonomiky k decentralizovanej peer-to-peer spoločnosti

    Od štátom riadenej ekonomiky k decentralizovanej peer-to-peer spolocnosti

  • Crypto Renaissance: Back to Cryptoanarchist Roots

    Crypto Mass - Grand Opening of Parallel Polis in Bratislava 2018.

  • Internet and its enemies

    Despite the fact that random Internet threats caused by various viruses, malware or targeted attackers are well known, most people are not aware of persistent risks enforced by governments and their legislation. The goal of the presentation is to describe these induced threats - massive spying of citizens, global censorship and other potentially dangerous legislation. Revealing an interesting paradox - governments responsible for new privacy legislation (like GDPR) are becoming the most dangerous threat to the privacy of their citizens.

  • How to achieve both economic and personal freedom using globality and flexibility

    1. Choose the suitable country for your permanent residency. 2. Choose the suitable country for your company. 3. Eliminate the centre of interest in your home country (divorce, sell all your properties, become homeless). 4. Close your bank accounts. 5. Switch to crypto, prefer truly anonymous cryptocurrencies, embrace crypto friendly services. 6. Choose your global healthcare insurance. 7. Choose your world mobile operator. 8. Embrace sharing economy. 9. Check DAO. 10. Help your friends to opt out of the system and move them to a parallel society.

  • Compartmentalization as an effective way to mitigate the negative impact of 0-day exploits

    The growing complexity of both hardware and software makes more difficult to detect security vulnerabilities or backdoors than ever before. Critical unexpected vulnerabilities have recently emerged in all-available processors (Meltdown / Specter). Browsers with lots of extensions are becoming the most complex Internet applications on your desktop or smartphone. The current architecture and used programming language make practically impossible to eliminate their hidden and unidentified vulnerabilities. Even the safest hardware wallets contain critical security vulnerabilities. Disk encryption, antivirus or anti-malware solutions running on compromised hardware or software are ineffective. In my presentation, I will try to explain how to survive in this wilderness and use compartmentalization to minimize the impact of unexpected black swans.

  • Máme incident! Ako splniť oznamovaciu povinnosť a vyhnúť sa pokute

  • Bezpečnosť osobných údajov a posúdenie vplyvu na ochranu údajov

  • Achieving financial freedom using cryptocurrencies (2019 edition)

    Real digital privacy starts with protecting your financial transactions. Leaving no traces. Making impossible to see or intervene your voluntary economic interactions. With the rise of anonymous cryptocurrencies, for the first time in our human history, we can do a global business and stay anonymous. Anonymous prediction markets, anonymous anti-government insurance, anonymous crowdfunded whistleblowing, decentralized cryptomarkets - all these crypto technologies will undermine the current authoritative systems. And make the significant change. Silently. With no violence or politicians. It's time. Liberate yourself.

  • GDPR - myšlienky tak dobré, až musia byť povinné

    Pohľad na GDPR z alternatívnej perspektívy, ktorú ste doteraz nevideli a nepočuli.

  • Digital Privacy workshop for journalists