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Copy of Empirical research design with difference-in-differences estimation
Empirical research design with difference-in-differences estimation
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2018): Lecture 14
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2018): Lecture 13
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2018): Lecture 12
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2018): Lecture 11
Term Paper Guideline for Politics through the Lens of Economics (2018)
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2018): Lecture 10
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2018): Lecture 9
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2018): Lecture 8
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2018): Lecture 7
Template for Politics through the Lens of Economics (2018)
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2018): Lecture 6
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2018): Lecture 5
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2018): Lecture 4
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2018): Lecture 3
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2018): Lecture 2
Political Economics I (2018)
What is economics?
Instruction to install ArcGIS
Instruction to install ArcGIS ver 2
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2018): Lecture 1
Introduction to Causal Inference with Spatial Data: ArcGIS 10 for Economics Research
Instructions to install Atom and its Script package
How to install Atom and its Script package to work with Python
Instructions to install 7-Zip
How to install 7-Zip
Frozen Conflicts: The Impact of Unrecognized States on Post-conflict Recovery (Version 3.0 for OEIO Workshop)
Economic Analysis of Natural Science Spatial Data
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2017): Lecture 13 Lobbying
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2017): Lesson 12 Voter Turnout
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2017): Lecture 11 Term Limit and Media Freedom
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2017): Lecture 10 Political Agency Model
Political Economics I: Term Paper Guideline
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2017): Lecture 9 Presidential vs. Parliamentary Systems
Project Seminar in English Classes 10-15
A quick introduction to Why Nations Fail by Acemoglu and Robinson
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2017): Lecture 8 Legislative Bargaining
Politics through the Lens of Economics: Lecture 14 War
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2017): Term Paper Topic LIst
Politics through the Lens of Economics (2017): Lecture 1 - Introduction
Political Economics lecture 2: Citizen Candidate Model
Political Economics lecture 4: Political Agency Model
Political Economics lecture 3: Probabilistic Voting Model
Political Economics lecture 5: Legislative Bargaining
Political Economics lecture 6 part A: Models of Conflict
Political Economics lecture 6 part B: Models of Voter Turnout
Political Economics lecture 7: Models of Lobbying
Political Economics I: Lecture 1 part 1 Introduction
Project Seminar in English: Class 1
The introduction to a mandatory course for the second-year undergraduate students at the Department of International Public Policy, Osaka University, where students are expected to improve their oral communication skills in English in an academic setting.
Political Economics Lecture 1: Median Voter Theorem